Launch Notices: Rocket Lab Missions | Launch Calendars
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The People's Satellite

This post at The War Zone highlights the transformative impact of space-based assets on modern warfare, as demonstrated by Ukraine’s use of a crowd-funded ICEYE satellite. Over the past two years, this single satellite, along with access to dozens more, has enabled Ukraine to identify and destroy more than 1,500 Russian targets worth billions of dollars. The satellite’s synthetic aperture radar technology allows for all-weather, day-and-night imaging, piercing through camouflage and cloud cover to reveal enemy positions, equipment, and infrastructure. This capability has dramatically enhanced Ukraine’s ability to conduct precision strikes and gather critical intelligence, showcasing how access to space-based reconnaissance can level the playing field in asymmetric conflicts. The success of this program underscores the growing importance of space assets in modern warfare, not just for major powers but also for smaller nations and even non-state actors who can now leverage commercial satellite technology to gain significant tactical and strategic advantages.

Redefining Efficiency in Space Operations

The small launch market has experienced significant growth and innovation in recent years, with companies like Rocket Lab leading the charge. As the demand for small satellite launches continues to increase, vertical integration has emerged as a essential strategy for players in this space to survive and thrive. Vertical integration involves a company controlling multiple stages of the supply chain, from component manufacturing to launch services and satellite operations. This post explores why vertical integration is essential for companies in the small launch market, using Rocket Lab as a prime example.

Supply Chain Assurance and Control

One of the primary reasons for vertical integration in the small launch market is to ensure a reliable and stable supply chain. By manufacturing critical components in-house, companies like Rocket Lab maintain tight control over quality, availability, and pricing. This is particularly important for niche components with limited suppliers or long lead times. Vertical integration minimizes the risks associated with supply chain disruptions, such as delays or quality issues, which can have severe consequences in the fast-paced and competitive space industry.

Cost Reduction and Efficiency

Vertical integration enables small launch providers to reduce costs and improve efficiency. By owning and controlling multiple stages of their space systems supply chain, companies can eliminate markup costs associated with third-party suppliers and streamline operations. Rocket Lab, for example, has invested heavily in advanced manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing and carbon composites, to produce high-quality components at a lower cost and with shorter lead times. This approach allows the company to offer competitive pricing to its customers while maintaining healthy profit margins.

Flexibility and Customization

Another key advantage of vertical integration is the ability to offer customized solutions to customers. Small satellite operators often have unique requirements for their missions, such as specific orbital parameters or timeline constraints. By controlling the entire launch process, from component manufacturing to mission planning and execution, vertically integrated launch providers can offer a higher degree of flexibility and customization to meet the needs of their customers. This level of service is particularly valuable in the small launch market, where customers are often working on innovative and niche applications.

Enabling Constellation Deployment and Servicing

As the small satellite industry grows, many companies are looking to deploy and operate their own constellations for applications like Earth observation, communications, or IoT services. Vertically integrated launch providers are well-positioned to support these customers by offering end-to-end solutions, from satellite manufacturing to launch services and on-orbit operations.

Rocket Lab has significantly advanced its vertical integration by expanding capabilities beyond launch services. The company has developed a range of satellite platforms, including the Photon and other satellite buses, which can serve as customizable bases for various payloads and missions. These satellite buses provide a comprehensive solution, enabling customers to focus on their specific mission objectives while Rocket Lab handles satellite manufacturing and integration processes. The acquisition of Sinclair Interplanetary, a leading provider of high-quality satellite components and subsystems, further strengthens Rocket Lab’s vertical integration strategy. By incorporating Sinclair’s expertise and products, Rocket Lab enhances its ability to deliver reliable and cost-effective satellite solutions.

Moreover, vertically integrated companies like Rocket Lab can deliver turnkey constellations, including fully managed services, to customers without the typical revenue stacking and complexity associated with multiple vendors. This streamlined approach reduces barriers to entry for organizations looking to leverage small satellite constellations, making it easier and more affordable to access space-based services and data.

Disrupting the Earth Observation and LEO Services Market

Vertical integration presents an opportunity for small launch providers to disrupt the Earth observation (EO) and low Earth orbit (LEO) services market. By controlling the entire value chain, from satellite manufacturing to data delivery, vertically integrated companies can offer more affordable and accessible solutions to a wider range of customers. This is particularly relevant in the EO market, where traditional providers have relied on large, expensive satellites with long development cycles. Companies like Rocket Lab, with their ability to manufacture and launch small satellites quickly and cost-effectively, can democratize access to EO data and services, enabling new applications and business models.


Vertical integration is a critical strategy for companies in the small launch market to survive and succeed. By controlling multiple stages of the supply chain, companies like Rocket Lab ensure supply chain stability, reduce costs, improve efficiency, offer customized solutions, and support the deployment and operation of revenue-generating constellations. The ability to deliver turnkey solutions, including managed constellation services, strengthens the value proposition of vertically integrated launch providers. As the small satellite industry evolves, vertically integrated companies will be well-positioned to capture new opportunities and disrupt traditional markets, providing end-to-end solutions from component manufacturing to on-orbit operations.

Amazon Ramps Up Project Kuiper

Amazon’s Project Kuiper is accelerating as the company prepares to ramp up production at its newly operational Kirkland facility. The state-of-the-art manufacturing plant, equipped with assembly lines and testing facilities, will eventually produce up to five satellites per day. This increased production capacity is crucial for Amazon to meet the FCC mandate of having 1,618 satellites in orbit by July 2026, as it races to provide global internet connectivity through its satellite constellation.

Rocket Lab Launch: PREFIRE and ICE

Mission name: PREFIRE and ICE
Launch Vehicle: Electron
Launch Site: Launch Complex 1, Mahia Peninsula, New Zealand
NZST Launch Window: Opens 15:00, June 5, 2024
UTC Launch Window: 03:00, June 5, 2024
ET Launch Window: 23:00, June 4, 2024
PT Launch Window: 20:00, June 4, 2024
Mission Overview: ‘PREFIRE and ICE’ is the second of two back-to-back dedicated Electron launches for NASA’s PREFIRE mission. This mission involves deploying the PREFIRE-2 satellite to measure the amount of heat Earth radiates from its poles. The data will help researchers predict changes in ice, sea levels, and weather patterns. This will be Rocket Lab’s 48th Electron launch.
Live Stream:

For Additional Updates: Follow Rocket Lab’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Rocket Lab PREFIRE and ICE  Mission Patch

Rocket Lab Launch: Ready, Aim, PREFIRE

Mission name: Ready, Aim, PREFIRE
Launch Vehicle: Electron
Launch Site: Launch Complex 1, Mahia Peninsula, New Zealand
NZST Launch Window: Opens 19:15, May 22, 2024
UTC Launch Window: 07:15, May 22, 2024
ET Launch Window: 03:15, May 22, 2024
PT Launch Window: 00:15, May 22, 2024
Mission Overview: ‘Ready, Aim, PREFIRE’ is the first of two back-to-back Electron launches to deploy NASA’s PREFIRE mission. The mission aims to measure heat lost from Earth’s polar regions to improve climate models. The satellites will be deployed to a 525km circular orbit and will focus on thermal infrared radiation measurements. This will be Rocket Lab’s 48th Electron launch and its sixth launch of 2024.
Live Stream:

For Additional Updates: Follow Rocket Lab’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Rocket Lab Ready, Aim, PREFIRE Mission Patch

The Synergy of Earth Observation and AI: A Paradigm Shift in Understanding Our Planet

Emiliano Kargieman, CEO of Satellogic, has written a really interesting post on how the synergy of Earth observation and AI is set to revolutionize our understanding of the planet. Something I’ve touched on a few times.

He has posted a Twitter thread on the topic as well.

Space Force Selects Rocket Lab And True Anomaly For Tactically Responsive Mission

Rocket Lab and True Anomaly were just selected for an extremely cool tactically responsive mission by Space Systems Command. Per Rocket Lab’s press release the two teams will demonstrate the capability to develop space vehicles with rendezvous and proximity operation (RPO) functionality, as well as establish corresponding command and control centers for their operation in a mission called VICTUS HAZE:

Once the spacecraft build is complete, Rocket Lab will be entered into a Hot Standby Phase awaiting further direction. Once the exercise begins, Rocket Lab will be given notice to launch the spacecraft into a target orbit. After reaching orbit, the spacecraft will be rapidly commissioned and readied for operations. Rocket Lab will configure a Pioneer class spacecraft bus to meet the unique requirements of the VICTUS HAZE mission and launch the spacecraft on Electron from either Launch Complex 1 in Mahia, NZ or Launch Complex 2 in Wallops, VA. Once on orbit, the spacecraft will conduct a variety of dynamic space operations to demonstrate SDA characterization capabilities with True Anomaly’s spacecraft, the Jackal autonomous orbital vehicle.

Rocket Lab’s Pioneer spacecraft was previously used to support the Varda mission.

Photo of a Rocket Lab Pioneer Spacecraft

True Anomaly’s AI-enabled Jackal spacecraft is really interesting as well:

Screenshot of Jackal autonomous orbital vehicle (AOV)

Ars Technica has a comprehensive piece up with a more detailed profile of the exercise:

“When another nation puts an asset up into space and we don’t quite know what that asset is, we don’t know what its intent is, we don’t know what its capabilities are, we need the ability to go up there and figure out what this thing is,” said Gen. Michael Guetlein, the Space Force’s vice chief of space operations.

This is what the Space Force wants to demonstrate with Victus Haze. For this mission, True Anomaly’s spacecraft will launch first, posing as a satellite from a potential adversary, like China or Russia. Rocket Lab will have a satellite on standby to go up and inspect True Anomaly’s spacecraft and will launch it when the Space Force gives the launch order.

“Pretty sporty,” said Even Rogers, co-founder and CEO of True Anomaly.

Then, if all goes according to plan, the two spacecraft will switch roles, with True Anomaly’s Jackal satellite actively maneuvering around Rocket Lab’s satellite. According to the Space Force, True Anomaly and Rocket Lab will deliver their spacecraft no later than the fall of 2025.

There’s another interesting aspect to this mission mentioned in a Payload article:

Planners expect to increase complexity to the point where one vehicle will actively avoid being characterized. The goal isn’t just to demonstrate the technology, but also develop the tactics and procedures for these kinds of missions.

The demonstration is a collaboration between the Defense Innovation Unit, Space Safari acquisition program, and SpaceWERX.

Sierra Space Testing Ghost Space Delivery System

Sierra Space recently completed initial flight tests of their space delivery system called Ghost. This low beta reentry vehicle is designed to safely return objects from space and deliver them to specific locations on Earth with high precision.

Key features of the Ghost system include:

  • Utilizes advanced deployable decelerator technology for controlled reentry
  • Enables delivery of payloads to any location worldwide within 90 minutes
  • Eliminates the need for fixed infrastructure, allowing for a highly responsive space-based system
  • Enhances sustainability and safety in space operations

The flight tests showcased Ghost’s capabilities and demonstrated Sierra Space’s rapid prototyping and development prowess through their Axelerator program. Remarkably, the Ghost system transitioned from development to flight testing in a mere 90 days.

Ghost would represent a significant advancement in space logistics and recovery operations if deployed. Its ability to precisely deliver payloads from space to Earth could up new possibilities for defense logistics, global supply chains, emergency response, and scientific research.

SAIC And GomSpace Partner On AI-powered SmallSat For Pentagon

The proof of concept will launch in 2026:

…the cubesat aims to set a new standard for computing power on a small platform, said SAIC. By enabling AI and machine learning “at the edge” in space, the satellite can process data with minimum delay.

With more compute power in orbit, there is less need for transporting data back to the ground for processing and relay to users,” said a SAIC spokesman. “The latency of decision making is vastly reduced.”

Pushing as much of the identification, classification, and even prioritization to the edge as we can is going to be a game changer on the intelligence front especially as we reach a state where there is persistent surveillance and change detection.

Varda Lands $90M In Series B Funding

This is a very encouraging development, not just for Varda (and Rocket Lab) but also for the potential growth of space manufacturing overall:

Astronauts have been conducting protein crystallization experiments in space for decades on the International Space Station and before that, the Space Shuttle.

But the business case for expanding this research has never materialized — until now. This is for a few different reasons, Asparouhov explained: because of the crew, there are significant limitations to the types of solvents or other materials you can bring onboard the ISS; there are constraints related to intellectual property for work that happens on the station; and pharmaceutical lab equipment designed for use in-space was generally lacking in sophistication compared to the terrestrial versions.

But much has changed, especially in the space industry. Part of the reason Varda is possible today is due to the availability of regular, low-cost rideshare launches from SpaceX and Rocket Lab’s innovations in satellite bus manufacturing. Even beyond these external partnerships, the startup has made significant headway in its own right, as the success of the first mission showed: Their reentry capsule appears to have performed flawlessly and the experiment to reformulate the HIV medicine ritonavir was executed without a hitch, it says.

Varda and Rocket Lab will launch capsule #2 later this year. Keep an eye on this relationship. It will be interesting to see how it develops now that Varda is on firmer footing.

Lockheed Invests in Fusion Engine Startup

An interesting play by Lockheed - and a new company to keep an eye on:

Helicity Space, a California startup developing fusion engines for spaceflight, announced an investment April 2 from Lockheed Martin Ventures.

While the parties declined to reveal the value of the investment, Lockheed Martin’s backing is important because it’s one of the “strategic partners that will matter over the next 10 years,” Helicity co-founder Stephane Lintner told SpaceNews.

Other strategic partners include Airbus Ventures and Voyager Space Holdings, two of the investors in Helicity’s seed funding round announced in December.

I’ve added Helicity to my growing (but far from complete) directory of New Space companies.

Rocket Lab Launch: Beginning Of The Swarm

Mission name: Beginning Of The Swarm
Launch Vehicle: Electron
Launch Site: Launch Complex 1
NZT Launch Window: 10:00, April 24, 2024
UTC Launch Window: 22:00, April 23, 2024
ET Launch Window: 18:00, April 23, 2024
PT Launch Window: 15:00, April 23, 2024
Mission Overview: Rocket Lab’s ‘Beginning Of The Swarm’ mission is set to launch from New Zealand during a 14-day window starting on April 24th. The Electron rocket will carry two satellites for separate customers: NEONSAT-1, an Earth observation satellite developed by SaTReC and KAIST, and NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3).

NEONSAT-1, the primary payload, is designed to monitor natural disasters along the Korean Peninsula using high-resolution optical imagery and artificial intelligence. The secondary payload, NASA’s ACS3, will demonstrate new materials and deployable structures for solar sail propulsion systems, which use sunlight for propulsion instead of conventional rocket propellant. The solar sail will measure approximately 30 feet per side when unfurled, and the flight data will be used to design future larger-scale composite solar sail systems for various space missions.
Live Stream:

For Additional Updates: Follow Rocket Lab’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Rocket Lab Beginning Of The Swarm Mission Patch

Claude AI Designs a Deep Space Mission

New Space Blog You have been tasked with designing a spacecraft that will be sent on a mission that never returns to Earth. The goal is to travel as long as possible with it only being piloted by an AI that will be fully in control of the craft and the science observations it conducts. You can assemble the spacecraft using as many SpaceX Starship vehicles as you need. You want to maximize the lifespan and build as much ability to repair and replicate into it as possible. You will need a robust multi-generational server system with multiple redundancies and humanoid-type robots that can conduct repairs. Explain your design and the rationale for your choices.

Claude 3
To design a spacecraft for a mission that never returns to Earth, with the goal of maximizing its lifespan and self-sustaining capabilities, I propose the following design using SpaceX Starship vehicles:

  1. Primary spacecraft:

    • Utilize three modified SpaceX Starship vehicles, connected in a triangular formation.
    • Each Starship will be modified to remove the heat shield and landing legs, as they are not required for this mission.
    • The primary spacecraft will house the AI control system, scientific instruments, and the majority of the power generation and storage systems.
  2. Power generation and storage:

    • Install a combination of advanced solar panels and radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) to ensure a long-lasting and reliable power supply.
    • Solar panels will be the primary power source and will be mounted on the exterior of the Starships.
    • Equip each Starship with multiple high-capacity batteries for power storage and distribution.
  3. Propulsion:

    • Use a combination of ion thrusters and modified Raptor engines for propulsion.
    • Ion thrusters will provide efficient, long-duration propulsion for interplanetary travel.
    • Raptor engines will be used for high-thrust maneuvers and course corrections.
  4. AI control system:

    • Develop a robust, multi-layer AI system capable of controlling all aspects of the spacecraft, including navigation, power management, and scientific observations.
    • Implement multiple redundancies and self-repair mechanisms to ensure the AI system’s longevity.
    • House the AI system in a radiation-hardened, fault-tolerant server cluster distributed across the three Starships.
  5. Repair and replication:

    • Include a dedicated Starship for housing advanced 3D printers, robotic assembly systems, and a stock of raw materials.
    • This Starship will serve as a mobile factory, capable of manufacturing replacement parts and even new robots as needed.
    • Equip the spacecraft with a team of versatile humanoid robots that can perform repairs, maintenance, and assembly tasks.
  6. Scientific instruments:

    • Install a wide array of scientific instruments, including telescopes, spectrometers, and sensors, to conduct observations and gather data throughout the mission.
    • Distribute these instruments across the three primary Starships to maximize coverage and redundancy.
  7. Communication:

    • Equip the spacecraft with a high-gain antenna and advanced communication systems to maintain contact with Earth for as long as possible.
    • Use laser communication technology for high-bandwidth data transmission over vast distances.
  8. Thermal management:

    • Implement a robust thermal management system to protect the spacecraft’s components from extreme temperatures.
    • Use a combination of radiators, heat pipes, and active cooling systems to maintain optimal operating temperatures.

The rationale behind this design is to create a self-sustaining, resilient spacecraft capable of operating independently for an extended period. By using multiple Starships, we ensure redundancy and distribute critical systems across the spacecraft. The inclusion of advanced power generation, 3D printing, and robotic repair capabilities allows the spacecraft to maintain itself and adapt to potential challenges. The AI control system, with its multiple redundancies and self-repair mechanisms, ensures the mission’s continuity even in the face of unforeseen events.

This design prioritizes longevity, adaptability, and self-sufficiency, maximizing the spacecraft’s chances of success on its indefinite journey through the cosmos.

How long do you think such a spacecraft could last? Where would you go and what would you do?

Claude 3
The longevity of the spacecraft would depend on several factors, such as the reliability of its components, the effectiveness of its self-repair systems, and the challenges it encounters during its journey. However, with the proposed design and advanced technologies, it is conceivable that the spacecraft could operate for several centuries or even millennia.

As for the destination and mission objectives, there are numerous possibilities to consider:

  1. Interstellar exploration:

    • Set a course for the nearest star system, such as Alpha Centauri, located approximately 4.37 light-years from Earth.
    • Conduct detailed observations and studies of the star system, its planets, and any potential signs of life.
  2. Galactic survey:

    • Embark on a long-term mission to survey and map a significant portion of the Milky Way galaxy.
    • Collect data on stellar populations, interstellar medium, and galactic structure to advance our understanding of the galaxy’s composition and evolution.
  3. Exoplanet characterization:

    • Focus on studying Earth-like exoplanets in the habitable zones of their host stars.
    • Conduct in-depth analyses of these planets' atmospheres, surface conditions, and potential for harboring life.
  4. Interstellar medium and dark matter research:

    • Investigate the properties and composition of the interstellar medium, including dust, gas, and cosmic rays.
    • Attempt to detect and study dark matter particles, which could provide insights into the universe’s structure and evolution.
  5. Long-term astronomical observations:

    • Conduct extended observations of various astronomical phenomena, such as supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and gravitational wave events.
    • Monitor these events over centuries or millennia to gain new insights into their nature and the underlying physics.

Throughout its mission, the spacecraft would continuously gather and process data using its onboard scientific instruments. The AI control system would analyze this data, make decisions on further investigations, and adapt the mission objectives as needed. The spacecraft could also serve as a platform for testing advanced propulsion technologies, such as fusion or antimatter engines, which could be developed and implemented during its journey.

As the spacecraft ventures deeper into space, it would continue to transmit its findings back to Earth, contributing to the expansion of human knowledge and understanding of the universe. The mission would serve as a testament to human ingenuity and the pursuit of exploration, even if the spacecraft itself never returns to its point of origin.

Profile: Intuitive Machines

Photo of the Intuitive Machines Nova-C lander

Intuitive Machines, a Houston-based private space company, has made history with the successful landing of its Nova-C lunar lander, named Odysseus, on the Moon’s surface. Despite facing challenges during the touchdown, which resulted in a broken leg, the spacecraft continued to function and send valuable data back to Earth, marking a significant milestone in the new era of lunar exploration.

Launched on February 15, 2024, by a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, Odysseus reached lunar orbit on February 21 and successfully completed a soft landing on the lunar surface on February 22. This achievement makes Odysseus the first privately built vehicle to land on the Moon and the first American spacecraft to perform a soft landing on the lunar surface in over 50 years.

NASA and commercial customers had contracted Intuitive Machines to carry 12 payloads aboard the Nova-C lander as part of the agency’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program. Despite the lander’s awkward orientation after touchdown, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson praised the mission’s success, stating, “Odysseus is a success. We are in the sixth day of what was planned as an eight-day mission, and we’re still receiving data from those instruments.”

Intuitive Machines' Nova-C lander is a state-of-the-art spacecraft designed to provide reliable and cost-effective payload delivery services to the Moon. Notably, Odysseus is the first spacecraft to utilize methalox propulsion for navigating between Earth and the Moon, showcasing the company’s innovative approach to lunar exploration.

The success of the IM-1 mission is just the beginning for Intuitive Machines and its Nova-C landers. The company has two more missions planned, with the IM-2 mission scheduled to launch no earlier than the fourth quarter of 2024 and the IM-3 mission set for early 2025. SpaceX has been contracted to provide Falcon 9 launches for each of these three landers, further cementing the collaboration between private space companies in advancing lunar exploration.

As the competition for lunar resources and strategic positioning intensifies among global powers, the role of private companies like Intuitive Machines becomes increasingly crucial. This is particularly evident in the context of China’s aggressive lunar exploration program, which has made significant strides in recent years. China’s successful Chang’e missions, including the historic first-ever landing on the far side of the Moon by Chang’e-4 in 2019, have demonstrated the country’s growing capabilities and ambitions in space.

Furthermore, China has announced plans for a crewed lunar landing mission and the establishment of a permanent lunar base in the 2030s, in collaboration with Russia. This strategic partnership between two major space powers poses a significant challenge to the United States' dominance in space exploration and underscores the importance of private companies like Intuitive Machines in maintaining America’s competitive edge.

By demonstrating the capability to deliver payloads to the lunar surface, even in the face of challenges, Intuitive Machines has positioned itself as a key player in the new space race. The company’s success not only bolsters NASA’s efforts to return humans to the Moon but also sends a strong message to competitors like China that the United States is committed to maintaining its leadership in space exploration.

The success of the Nova-C lander not only represents a significant achievement for Intuitive Machines but also highlights the growing importance of public-private partnerships in advancing space exploration. As NASA and other space agencies continue to collaborate with private companies, the pace of lunar exploration and the potential for establishing a sustainable human presence on the Moon are set to accelerate. This collaborative approach will be essential in countering China’s ambitious plans and ensuring that the United States remains at the forefront of lunar exploration and resource utilization.

Moreover, the involvement of private companies like Intuitive Machines in the space race has the potential to drive innovation, reduce costs, and increase the efficiency of lunar missions. As these companies continue to develop and refine their technologies, they will play an increasingly critical role in shaping the future of space exploration and the balance of power in the new space age.

Note: To generate this post I fed Claude 3 updated information about Intuitive Machine’s recent lunar mission and asked it to analyze the company in context of what many are calling Space Race 2.0.

Spire Global and NVIDIA Partner on Weather Data

I wrote a post a few days ago about the importance of AI and New Space for each other and said that the realization may sink in with the public and wall street types more broadly once someone like OpenAI makes a big move in the space. Well, it turns out that someone is NVIDIA:

The field of weather prediction is changing rapidly due to advances in AI. Spire’s multipurpose constellation of satellites, utilizing RO technology, offers unmatched global coverage of precise vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, and humidity across the globe, including under-observed areas and remote regions. By combining this dataset and Spire’s proprietary DA analyses with NVIDIA’s advanced AI platforms and APIs, this collaboration aims to usher in a new era of accuracy in weather forecasting.

“As our world grapples with dynamic shifts in climate, anticipating and mitigating the impact of extreme-weather events poses escalating challenges for companies, individuals, and communities,” said Michael Eilts, general manager of weather and climate at Spire. “Aligning Spire’s proprietary data and unmatched global weather coverage with NVIDIA’s cutting-edge technology and expertise positions us to markedly elevate the accuracy of weather prediction. This collaboration will help ensure our customers are not just informed but empowered to proactively address the evolving climate landscape.”

Spire Global, like many New Space companies, possesses a crucial asset sought after by AI solution providers—massive amounts of high-quality, useful, and hard-to-source data. While this RO data has numerous applications, Spire Global has invested heavily in leveraging it for weather and climate analytics as well as forecasting. The company is already making significant strides in this domain, but partnerships with AI leaders like NVIDIA could unlock markets and benefits far beyond those initially envisioned by New Space data generators. Expect to see more groundbreaking announcements along these lines in the near future.

Rocket Lab and Viasat Team Up on Tech Demo

Payload has a good, concise write-up on Rocket Lab’s recent announcement that they’ll partner with Viasat to demo a proposed replacement for NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) system. The deal, pretty cool and potentially lucrative long-term in its own right, is also (in typical Rocket Lab fashion) a strong strategic move:

Beck said last month that Rocket Lab’s partnerships were strategic, with the goal of matching SpaceX as a company that can both build and launch spacecraft. This project aims to give the company experience with responsive space communications, and the opportunity to develop a new L-band radio, moving toward Beck’s goal of operating his own satellite network in the next decade.

The Space Race Just Keeps Heating Up

Space assets are the most important enabler, and most significant vulnerability, in a superpower conflict. The U.S. government knows it and It’s why we have the Space Force and organizations like SDA. But while we are starting to scale and support a surging New Space industry China can, in some respects, surge faster:

China is growing its military capabilities in space at a “breathtaking pace” to counter the American satellites in orbit and improve its ability to monitor and target forces on Earth, according to the head of the US Space Command.

America’s top strategic challenger is seeking to develop advanced space weaponry and making advances in satellite meteorology, human spaceflight and robotic space exploration, General Stephen Whiting said during a hearing Thursday of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

We still hold the advantage but we could lose it surprisingly quickly if we don’t properly prioritize space. The coming decades will require the same level of focus and investment in the domain that we have poured into naval and air power. The time to build the infrastructure for rapid industrialized production and delivery of space assets is now. Thankfully we’re doing that with responsive space initiatives at companies like Rocket Lab, Terran Orbital, and Firefly. It’s a start, but we will need to do more.

Rocket Lab Launch: Owl Night Long

Mission name: Owl Night Long
Launch Vehicle: Electron
Launch Site: Launch Complex 1
NZDT Launch Window: 04:03, March 13 2024
UTC Launch Window: 15:03, March 12 2024
ET Launch Window: 11:03, March 12 2024
PT Launch Window: 08:03, March 12 2024
Mission Overview: ‘Owl Night Long’ is scheduled to deploy the StriX-3 satellite for Synspective, aimed at enhancing Earth observation capabilities with Synthetic Aperture Radar technology. This mission continues the collaboration between Rocket Lab and Synspective, expanding their SAR satellite constellation.
Live Stream:

For Additional Updates: Follow Rocket Lab’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Rocket Lab Owl Night Long Mission Patch

Rocket Lab and Varda Pull Off Historic Recovery

The Rocket Lab team setting up the Varda Space in orbit drug manufacturing spacecraft for re-entry.

Rocket Lab Mission Control Working to bring Varda Space capsule back to Earth

And the capsule’s successful recovery.

Varda Space capsule recover in the Utah desert

It took months for the team to land FAA part 450 approval for its landing in Utah but the spacecraft was well positioned to deal with the delays:

Today’s mission is a successful demonstration of Rocket Lab’s end-to-end space systems solutions tailored to enable novel and innovative missions for a range of customers. Rocket Lab designed, manufactured and operated a bespoke spacecraft to enable Varda’s capsule manufacturing demonstration. The spacecraft included a full suite of Rocket Lab sub-systems and components built in-house, spanning spacecraft engine, flight software, avionics, reaction wheels, star trackers, capsule dispenser, solar panels, radio, composite structures and tanks, and more.

While initially designed for a four-month lifespan on orbit, the mission timeline was more than doubled with Rocket Lab’s spacecraft successfully provided power, communications, ground control, and attitude control to Varda’s capsule on orbit for more than eight months. This enabled Varda’s capsule to grow Ritonavir crystals, commonly used in antiviral medication. As particles function differently when no longer under the force of gravity, Varda’s capsule utilizes microgravity conditions in space to formulate a range of pharmaceutical products.

Subsequent missions should be a lot easier to manage and the FAA seems to be getting on board to streamline the process for what looks like the birth of in-orbit manufacturing at scale.

Varda Capsule Set For Return

Varda’s capsule is finally coming home:

This is the first time the FAA has granted a Part 450 reentry license and also the first time the Department of Defense has worked with a commercial space company to allow reentry of this kind of mission on a government-owned range. Varda’s capsule is targeted for reentry and landing in the Utah Desert.

In the coming days, Rocket Lab will conduct a series of maneuvers to bring the capsule, named Winnebago-1, back to Earth.

  • Evening of February 18, PT: Initial burn of the Curie engine on Rocket Lab’s spacecraft to slow the spacecraft down, lower its perigee, and place Winnebago-1 in its first staging orbit. Target orbit: 300km x 500km.

  • Afternoon of February 20, PT: A second engine burn to raise the spacecraft’s apogee, the point at which the spacecraft passes farthest from Earth, and place Winnebago-1 in its second staging orbit. Target orbit: 300km x 900km.

  • Afternoon of February 21, PT: The spacecraft’s third and fourth final engine burns to de-orbit and set Winnebago-1 on its atmospheric reentry trajectory.

For more than eight months in space, Rocket Lab’s 300kg-class spacecraft has successfully provided power, communications, ground control, and attitude control to allow Varda’s capsule to grow Ritonavir crystals, a drug commonly used as an antiviral medication for HIV and hepatitis C.

Due to the initial planned reentry date being adjusted from late 2023, Rocket Lab’s spacecraft has been required to operate for more than double its intended orbital lifespan, which it has done without issue.

Rocket Lab Launch: On Closer Inspection

Mission name: On Closer Inspection
Launch Vehicle: Electron
Launch Site: Launch Complex 1 – Pad B, Mahia New Zealand
NZDT Launch Window: Opens 03:52, February 19th 2024
UTC Launch Window: 14:52, February 18th 2024
ET Launch Window: 09:52, February 18th 2024
PT Launch Window: 06:52, February 18th 2024
Mission Overview: ‘On Closer Inspection’ is an advanced mission by Rocket Lab, launching a single satellite, ADRAS-J, for Astroscale. This mission focuses on approaching and monitoring a piece of space junk to assess the potential for servicing or de-orbiting the debris in the future. It marks Rocket Lab’s second mission of 2024 and its 44th Electron launch overall.

Press Kit: PDF Download
Live Stream:

For Additional Updates: Follow Rocket Lab’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts.

On Closer Inspection Mission Patch

Rocket Lab Launch: Four Of A Kind

It’s time to kick off the 2024 mission season!

Mission name: Four Of A Kind
Launch Vehicle: Electron
Launch Site Launch Complex 1
NZDT Launch Window: 19:15 – 20:00, Jan. 31 2024
UTC Launch Window: 06:15 – 07:00, Jan. 31 2024
ET Launch Window: 01:15 – 02:00, Jan. 31 2024
PT Launch Window: 22:15 – 23:00, Jan. 30 2024
Mission Overview: ‘Four Of A Kind’ is a dedicated mission for Spire Global Inc and its customer NorthStar Earth & Space, marking Rocket Lab’s first Electron launch of 2024 and their 43rd Electron mission. The mission will deploy four Space Situational Awareness (SSA) satellites built and operated by Spire for NorthStar. These satellites will be the first to simultaneously monitor all near-Earth orbits from space, providing advanced SSA services for space object detection, tracking, orbit determination, collision avoidance, navigation, and proximity alerts.
Press Kit: PDF Download
Live Stream:

For Additional Updates: Follow Rocket Lab’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Mission patch for Four Of A Kind, a dedicated Rocket Lab Electron mission for Spire Global Inc and its customer NorthStar Earth & Space

Rocket Lab Joins The Primes With Massive SDA Contract Win

Rocket Lab held an eagerly anticipated conference call to confirm additional details about its massive $515 million satellite constellation deal today:

The company joins Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, who received awards in August to develop 36 satellites each. The spacecraft are part of the third generation — dubbed Tranche 2 — of SDA’s Proliferated Warfigher Space Architecture, a fleet of hundreds of small satellites operating in low Earth orbit, about 1,200 miles above the planet’s surface.

That is very exclusive company and it highlights the most important takeaway from today’s call:

Rocket Lab will act as a prime contractor for SDA, leading the design, development, production, test, and operations of the satellites, including procurement and integration of the payload subsystems. The contract has a base value of $489 million plus $26 million in incentives and options.

“This contract marks the beginning of Rocket Lab’s new era as a leading satellite prime,” Rocket Lab’s founder and CEO Peter Beck said Jan. 8.

The company also confirmed that it is pursuing similar and even larger contracts across the defense and commercial domains. You can really see the strategy coming together (as they note in the related presentation) and positioning Rocket Lab to be a powerhouse even before all of the pieces are firmly in place.

This, at least in my opinion, signals Rocket Lab’s transition into a much more impactful and stable phase in it’s evolution. It de-risks the business and positions it for growth in ways that simply expanding launch cadence cannot. If that isn’t clear to you now I suspect it will be before 2024 ends. They are still just getting started.

Waiting for A Rocket Lab Launch

No word on Rocket Lab’s next launch yet but we should hear something soon with the 22 launch schedule they have planned. Northstar Earth & Space apparently posted a countdown timer and then removed it from their site this week so it looks to be a strong contender:

Screenshot of Twitter post about an upcoming Rocket Lab launch

I think we’ll hear something directly from Rocket Lab by Monday, or before mid-week, at the latest.

Rocket Lab To Detail Massive New Contract In Press Conference

Looks like we are finally going to get more information about that massive new Rocket Lab contract:

Rocket Lab USA, Inc. a global leader in launch services and space systems, today announced that it will host a scheduled call to discuss its previously announced Government constellation award (see here) following the close of the U.S. markets on Monday, January 8, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (5:00 p.m. Eastern Time).

A live webcast and replay of the conference call will be available on the Company’s Investor Relations website at